Wednesday, September 24, 2008

First Communication, then Content, Contact, Cost

How much can parents really monitor what their kids are doing online? The article that I recently read pointed out that while parents may be able to see what their children are doing on a computer in the house, it is much more challenging to supervise what their child is doing online at school, a friend’s, or even on their smart phone. After numerous articles, books, and even television series, parents and their children are very aware of the risks of online sexual predators.

Similar to what we discussed in class, this article points out that for children, the internet can be for great benefit and detriment. As stated in my last post, technology can be used to create a better learning environment and to improve student to teacher interaction. I don’t think it is necessary for me to give examples of the negative things that the internet can do. There are many examples of kids who have gotten themselves into trouble by posting things online that are personal and these things followed them as they grew up.

The author of this article informs parents to follow three simple rules. She calls them the “Three C’s,” but also urges parents to first use communication with their children. Let them know the boundaries and the risks. Then, consider content, contact, and cost. These “Three C’s” can be beneficial for parents who do not pride themselves in knowing a lot about technology. You can ask a salesperson what kind of content your child will be able to view and if you can filter what he or she sees. You can ask if he or she will be able to communicate with others and if you can monitor that as well. Lastly, it is important for a parent to know how much money they will be spending. For instance, will ringtones and applications cost and are you able to monitor the use of those? Basically, the author is stressing that a parent much ask these types of questions before many any technology purchases in order to keep their children safe.


Nicole said...

Your article was along the lines of my article. The more parents and children know, the safer they are. It's great that so many parents are taking an interest in what their kid is doing on the internet. I know that most of the kids probably whine and complain about it, but what they don't realize is that it is for their own good, and that their parents are only trying to protect them. I'm sure some of us were complaining about our parents when we first started using the internet!

Hopefully as communication through the internet becomes even more prevalent throughout the world, more parents will take the time to sit down and really learn about what their kids are doing on the internet.

Nora1027 said...

I like your post because I agree that it is very important for parents to really monitor what their kids are doing online. Leaving them to roam the internet alone is almost as dangerous as just dropping them off somewhere and leaving them to fend for themselves. I think the three C's are what every parent should follow. I think that at least one of the child's parents should learn about the technology of the internet so that they know what is out there and know which things to block!

Amanda said...

I agree with you that parents must put steps in place in order to prevent harm to their children caused by the internet. When children are young you always hear parents telling them “don’t talk to strangers.” Warnings for children using the Internet and other forms of technology need to be constantly reinforced as well. The more the dangers are emphasized the greater awareness children will have of them.

Sarah said...

Sometimes I wonder what I am going to be like as a parent, and after reading certain articles, and posts like yours, I know that I am going to watch everything my kids do on the internet. and now I will know the three c's! =)